Church - I was searching to see if last Sunday's drama was posted on YouTube, but I found this video instead. It's the welcome video they show at the start of the service. It reminds me of the flight attendant videos they show when you fly =).
But I was looking for the video of the drama because it was really well done. It was a short piece (no talking) done to music. But it portrayed the message that we often get distracted by other things in this world, which can lead us into despair, but Jesus is always pursuing us and is strong enough to bring us back to Him. I still think that music can be such a powerful tool when used in conjunction w/some kind of visual arts. Now that I have Sundays off, I will try to make it to service more often. There's a new senior pastor that will be starting week?
Football - I'm doing that football thing again (last year I won $250!). Every week you pick teams and you can either pick all the winners, losers, or Fiddle-in-the-Middle (meaning half winners/losers). I laugh because last year, I was trying to pick all the winners, but it ended up I kept getting half of them right, so that's how I won. And last week, the same thing happened! I don't win anything's only if I get half of them right as a total at the end of the season. So that's my method - try to pick all the winners, and end up getting half of them right. It's just something fun to give me a reason to watch football (since that's what was usually on TV at work all day long).
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