Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Helping and MJB's hair
Since coming home, I've had a few opportunities to help people. I picked up my co-worker and drove her to work because her car was sick; I met a friend of a friend who just moved into town and I'll pick her up to go to church on Sunday; and tomorrow I'll pick up a different co-worker from her mechanic's and take her to and back from work.
I guess when we tell God that we're willing to help, we should expect that He will bring opportunities our way =). These are really easy things for me to do...they don't require much sacrifice on my part, yet those on the receiving end are so appreciative. I feel I'm getting the better end of the deal. Funny how that works.
Tomorrow I get my haircut - I think I'll go for a more dramatic, shorter cut. I like Mary J. Blige's new do (have you seen her on that new commercial?). I'll see what Heather thinks...
If you haven't seen the commercial, here it is (hopefully this video will stay posted)
If I get a cut like that, I'll have to get some big ol' sunglasses and hoop earrings =).
Monday, November 26, 2007
Congrats, Phone and Trip

Hey Lynn, I tried to get a picture of my hair au natural growing can see a little bit here, but there's a lot more underneath!
Two weeks ago, I bought an iPhone. I had stopped by the store to ask a few more questions and then went to the mall to go shopping...but the stores weren't open yet so I went back to the AT&T store and splurged on the new phone. I spent the rest of the morning setting it up before I had to go to work.
I like it so far, but I've been nervous with it because the face is glass and if I drop it just right, it'll break =(. So today I finally got around to buying a cover for it. It's still a little scary, but I feel more at ease now.
A couple of weeks ago, I went to Nor Cal to do a jewelry show and hang out with friends. It happened to be the same week as Emily's baby dedication, so it was nice to be there for that. I've missed many celebrations since I moved away (over 10 years ago!) So it's nice to make the occasional birthday party or baby dedication =).
Here are pictures of baby Emily at the dedication lunch with dad and mom (I didn't catch them all together)

And Paul was spelling words on his foot
I stayed one night at the Jow Bed and Breakfast =). Rebecca was drawing a picture of daddy.
The girls managed to get away to the Cheesecake Factory...
Friday, November 9, 2007
I think I may be approaching a "productive" phase. I want to get more things done and set/accomplish more goals and dreams. Tackle fears, break down restrictions, experience greater freedom. Become more aggressive about living life fully.
I started re-reading "The Success System That Never Fails" by W. Clement Stone. From chapter 2 : Getting Ready for Tomorrow...
...emotions (like fear) are not immediately subject to reason but the are subject to action. When thoughts do not neutralize an undesireable emotion - action will
...Fatigue is not conducive to doing yur best work. Don't reduce your energy level so low that your drain your battery...Time is one of the most important ingredients in any successful formula for any human activity. Save time. Invest it wisely.
I think after reading the part about emotions being subject to action, I felt like testing that theory out. But what would be a good experiment? I fear failing in front of others; I fear being perceived as incompetent; I fear people being angry at me. As I think about what I'm afraid of, it's hard to distinguish the difference btwn things I don't like, and things I fear. What makes the difference? Is it just a matter of confidence in my ability to overcome? I don't want any pain inflicted on myself, but I don't fear it. I am a little afraid of hurting myself and not being able to work, therefore not able to pay bills. But I don't think it's a big fear because some things are just beyond our control and we deal with it if it comes.
Maybe fear and control are closely related. If I feel like I should have control over a certain area, then I'm more likely to fear my own failure. I'm responsible for this certain thing, and I will bear the consequences for not being in control. For example, maybe my thoughts are "It's my job to succeed, be competent in whatever I do, and to not make people angry at me." The weight of the responsibility and expectation causes fear of failing because I've never been aware of what the punishment or consequence will be. All I know is that "I better do it or else...", but those 3 dots are never spelled out so I assume gloom and doom.
As a kid growing up, I heard "You can do whatever you set your mind to" and "You have so much potential". I think I interpreted that as "you have capabilities, but you're doing nothing with it or about it." And the way human brains can twist things around, I probably did so that it became, "You are failing everyday until you do something spectacular and outstanding." How's that theory? Well, if that's the case, what needs to be done about it? Instead of burdening myself with the responsibility of succeeding and avoiding anger, I should feel the freedom to succeed and let go of trying to control other peoples' anger? Hmmm...I may be able to neutralize some fears by my thought process after all!
I need to let things sink in a bit.
In massage, I often go to the area that hurts and see if I can release any triggers points, knots, etc. first. If not, I go to surrounding areas and feel if there's a pull coming from there. I test the movement of muscle. Sometimes people have fine range of motion so I think it's that layer over the muscles - the fascia. So a neck pain might be caused by some restriction in the waist. Like psychology, it's not always as it seems. It takes some feeling around and testing movement in the body.
So I will think about this theory of sense of responsibility vs. freedom. Pinpointing where fear is coming from. My testing ground will be noticing what I veer away from in an attempt to control my environment so I will be "safe". And safe from what? I want to be free to give and love. But certainly, I have restrictions. Why? Haven't I been set free by Jesus to do so? In that case I fear being deceived and depleted. If I give to others indescriminately, won't I get burned? Hmmm...more underlying fears.
Okay, so I think I should start by outlining the life I want to live. And then look at what is restricting me from living that way. A postural analysis, if you will. Target the most restrictive areas and determine whether the problem is a local injury, or if it's coming from somewhere else. It may be that surrounding areas need to be released first, in order for the more obvious areas to be corrected...and stay corrected. That's often where the healing process is prolonged...the root of problems remain.
This has been a long entry, but it's been helpful in taking me through a thought process.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
And my neighbor's house w/o the big tree in front. They took down that tree in 20 min. and then came back the next day to take out the trunk.
And while I was at the bank, I saw an unusual looking car so I tried to get a picture. You can't see it too good, but it's a Lotus. I'm not so good at taking pictures! =)
I was thinking about working in the backyard today, but I cut my finger with an envelope - yikes! Think paper cut, but thicker =(. It's on my index finger close to the crease of the first knuckle. Any kind of cut or damage to my hands affect my work so I'm hoping it'll be fine by tomorrow. I'm sure it will if I don't re-open the cut.
I need to call about disability insurance soon. My financial planner had said to get some and I keep putting it off. Oh, but I did sign my mom and I up for AAA memberships. Last week, her car wouldn't start and it ended up she needed a new starter. I was at work so she called our neighbor to pick her up.
Whoa, the Colts just scored! I'm rooting for the Colts against the Patriots =).
Okay, going to do laundry now.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Okay, maybe I am a nerd because I really enjoy these videos! Especially John's vlogs. Here's one and I really liked his story about the 6 year old trick-or-treater...just made me laugh. I must like fast talking. Like when West Wing was on, I liked to watch it because they had such great (and fast) dialogue.
Mom and I will go to Island Sushi for lunch today and if I remember, we'll check out Goldilock's bakery. I also want to go to the Springs Preserve...or is it Spring Reserve? Anyway, it opened up in the summer (when it was too hot to walk around) and they have plant stuff and some indoor things for kids. I'll probably call Heidi cuz we had talked about going.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Another look at my phone options - this time online. And I saw that they have a discounted rate for seniors so I told my mom she should call to switch to that plan. $29.99/mo. for 200 min. and unlimited weekends. She doesn't use her phone much so that should be enough for her. (Note: she just called and I guess I was wrong, because they didn't have it...was I just seeing things?!)
And I think I've decided to get the iPhone. It's the cheapest plan that will do the most for me. I'm hoping to be able to take more pictures and post them on my blog while I'm on the go. So even though the phone itself is around $400, I figure because of the lower monthly cost, I'll save $1,200 to $2,400 a year (compared to getting PDA or Blackberry plans). I'm mathmatically challenged - it'd be more like $120-240 in savings! It seems like even if I just get a cheaper phone, I'd still have to get a data plan ($30 to $40 more a mo.) to make use of browsing the web and email. Isn't it scary to look at our monthly phone bills on a yearly basis?! But I may end up downloading more songs or videos from iTunes with that phone. And I'm kinda excited about the new stuff that will be coming out to add to the phone's versatility. New software made especially to fit the phone, etc. Although I've been away from Apple for a while, I still like their innovation.
Okay, enough talk about phones. I was thinking of going to Arizona this weekend because I don't remember being there before. I hear that Sedona is about a 4 and a half hour drive from here. If I do go, it'll be very last minute. Just start driving and find a place to stay when I get there. It's times like these when I realize that I'm much like my dad. When we were little (I was maybe 2?) our family went to the Grand Canyon and I guess my dad didn't make any reservations so we just drove around until we found a place. My mom's more of a worrier so I'm sure she was developing an ulcer then! But I can understand her side because if I had 3 small kids in the car and was driving around an unknown place in the winter with wild bears around and nowhere to stay, I'd be uneasy too!
Maybe I'll just plan to go another time. There's stuff to do at home like cleaning the pond and backyard, taking stuff to Goodwill, cleaning my room and letting mom take me out for my birthday. I want to try the new Japanese place that used to be Koto's - they had good food, but closed =(. It was a small family owned/run restaurant. Those are hard to find out here. I think the new place is Island Sushi now. Oh, and there's a Goldilock's bakery that just opened down the street. I want to see what kind of stuff they have in there.
Our next door neighbor Martha got her big tree in front of her house cut down. She called around and she was going to be charged $800, but it ends up she knew someone who does that and I think he did it for $600? I guess she was concerned about the roots becoming a problem. It was a sad week for her. She had her dog Osa put down because he was so sick. I wish I had a picture of him. He was a very fluffy dog. I'm not sure what kind of dog...maybe a chow? I think her other dog died about a year ago.