I had a nice stay at Red Rock. I really felt like I was on vacation even though it's only 25 minutes away!
Hallway to the room 
Red Christmas tree in the lobby
I was looking for the Do Not Disturb sign but couldn't find it! There are buttons instead. 
From my room, I could see the spa lap pool and cabanas.
More of my grays are showing...I'm looking forward to all of them coming out and going natural for a while
Some room views...

If I removed any of these items for 45 seconds, I would be charged for them
One of the first things I did when I got settled was soak in the tub. Just in time to watch Ellen! Although it's a nice feature, having that TV above the tub made me a wee bit nervous.
I don't know how they know when to come in for the turn down service, but when I got back into my room, I found a tray of stuff that included chocholate =).I played Bingo for the first time in a casino. Chuen met me and we went in to play. I just told the lady at the counter that it was our first time and so she asked if we wanted paper or electronic device and how much we wanted to spend. So I said electronic (since it would do everything for me!) and $20. It was a little intimidating in that big room. You could tell there were people who were regulars there. I'm glad we did the electronic device. It was so easy. We just entered a code and it did the rest.
But next time I go, I think I'll try the paper. But only 6 cards at a time. The machine was handling over 20 cards at a time. But neither Chuen or I won anything =( Booooo.
I was surprised that my 2 days there I hardly spent any money. They were having a special in the cafe - Cheeseburger/fries for $2.99 and eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast for $3.99. I used my player's card points (you accumulate points when you gamble) so my meals were free - just left cash tips. I spent money on Rubios (shrimp burrito) and Ben and Jerry's (one scoop of mint chunk ice cream). I gambled - my usual penny keno machine and I stayed even.
I read, watched TV a little and really enjoyed soaking in the tub. It's a new favorite thing to do for me.