Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year

While I'm sitting at the computer, thought I'd make a short post (I say that now, but it might turn into a long one!). Happy New Year, first of all =). I had a fun New Year's Eve w/co-workers. For the past several years, I've stayed home on NYE so it was nice to get out.

But since yesterday, I started getting a sore throat so I've been taking Airborne and I made some ginger tea for the first time. Ginger root is supposed to be good for colds and sore throats. I boiled 4 cups of water, peeled and sliced up a 2 inch segment of ginger root, and put it in the boiling water. I covered it, lowered to simmer and left it for 20 min. It actually is good. I like the spicy-ness it has. Not hot spicy, just, you know, ginger spicy.

I started reading a book on writing (A Right to Write) and I'm liking her style and the exercises she has in there. I'll write more about that later. But there are so many good things in there, it seems like I'm underlining the whole book!

There are a few things I plan to focus on for this year: Fearlessness, Writing and Massage.

The fearlessness part will probably propel me in other directions as travel. When I think about what I enjoy, I like new things and being stimulated by new sights. Well, maybe not new sights, but new atmospheres. I'm not observant visually. I would make a terrible witness...I just don't notice those kinds of things. I like to see how things work. And when you go to different places, people do things differently, talk differently, think differently - that's what I like to observe and learn about. Perhaps I should have been an anthropologist. But it's never too late to do something you truly love. I'm still figuring out what I truly love.

Since I feel like I might be getting sick, I don't know if I should go to the gym - part of me thinks it'll be good for circulation and moving toxins along...maybe sweat some stuff out and break up some congestion in my chest. I went yesterday and I felt fine.

Oh, I bought some curtains and rods so I might put those up today =). I'll post before and after pictures if I do.

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