Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Almost a full week since my congestion really set in. But last night, I put my head over boiling water and added some frankincense essential oil and took as many deep breathes in as I could. My co-worker suggested it because she said I may have a sinus infection and the oil is a great antibacterial. She first suggested lavendar, but I don't have any. But last night, I felt a little better and this morning I'm hopeful that I'm going to fight it. I also took extra vitamin C and she said I should take zinc, but I just took my multivitamin. I was getting mad last night because I wasn't getting better.

I'm going to work out this morning and sit in the sauna for a bit. When I don't feel well, I feel trapped. I want to do more, but I know I need to rest. And with congestion, my mind doesn't feel clear.

My hair is getting longer. I need to wear a headband when I work out so my hair won't cover my face. I'm still ok leaving it down for work though. I get a trim next week just to clean it up.

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