Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"The Art of Effortless Living"

Quotes from "The Art of Effortless Living"

(Chapter 9 - Grieving Our Emotional Bodies)

Feeling the pain of our lives leads us not into celebrating our victimhood but rather out of needing to be victims. If we fully experience what we have been through, we let go of holding on to our pain.

(Chapter 10 - Developing Our Higher Selves)

...our unconscious mind holds our creative potential for the future. One reason we don't hear the unconscious is, quite literally, that we don't listen to it. If somebody came into your room and started talking to you and you didn't pay attention, eventually that person would leave. It's the same with our unconscious mind and with the inner guidance that comes from the unconscious. It stops talking and leaves us alone because we don't listen.

The higher self is like a voice in our ear or an angel on our shoulder.

When we practice non-resistance, we stop trying to make life turn out the way we want it to. Instead, we notice the way things are and ask ourselves how we can grow from that.

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