Monday, November 26, 2007

Congrats, Phone and Trip

First of all, congrats to the Moua's on their new addition!! Baby Sydney born on the 19th (her actual due date!).

Hey Lynn, I tried to get a picture of my hair au natural growing can see a little bit here, but there's a lot more underneath!

Two weeks ago, I bought an iPhone. I had stopped by the store to ask a few more questions and then went to the mall to go shopping...but the stores weren't open yet so I went back to the AT&T store and splurged on the new phone. I spent the rest of the morning setting it up before I had to go to work.

My first photo taken with it

I like it so far, but I've been nervous with it because the face is glass and if I drop it just right, it'll break =(. So today I finally got around to buying a cover for it. It's still a little scary, but I feel more at ease now.

And the back has a handy dandy place to wind up the ear piece...look they even left a hole in the back for the camera lens =)

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Nor Cal to do a jewelry show and hang out with friends. It happened to be the same week as Emily's baby dedication, so it was nice to be there for that. I've missed many celebrations since I moved away (over 10 years ago!) So it's nice to make the occasional birthday party or baby dedication =).

Here are pictures of baby Emily at the dedication lunch with dad and mom (I didn't catch them all together)

The best part about being at the airport in the morning...
I stayed with the Kanaya's while I was in Ca. D made a tower of pancakes!

And Paul was spelling words on his foot

I stayed one night at the Jow Bed and Breakfast =). Rebecca was drawing a picture of daddy.

The girls managed to get away to the Cheesecake Factory...


Linda said...

Hi Jo - Thanks for posting our pictures! I forgot to ask someone to take our picts so it was nice to see them in your blog. We were so glad you could be at the dedication and thanks for taking photos of the ceremony. By the way, cool iPhone and I like your hair! ~ Linda

JoAnn said...

You know you can copy those pictures, right? Just right click and they're yours =).