Today was my juice day, and I was sooooo happy!! I have been looking forward to having something else besides the lemonade cleanse concoction. I had Naked juice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also had water.
I'm feeling energized. But I'm not sure if it's physical or psychological =). I just finished putting miso soup on the stove. I added daikon, carrots, tofu and shiitake mushrooms. Maybe a weird combination, but it looks good to me!! I'm looking forward to eating that tomorrow...and finishing up my juices.
I even had a dream about food last night! I dreamt that I was eating regular food even though I knew I was supposed to be on liquids still.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Master Cleanse - Days 9 and 10!
Yeah!!! My last day of the cleanse =). Yesterday was a busy day, so I didn't post anything. Went to work, came home and took a nap, then did a Jewelry Show and didn't get home until 11ish =S! And I had to work this morning.
At the party, it was torture because Sandra made tostadas, rice and there was chips and salsa. But I stayed the course. And even tonight, my sister's family is in town and they took mom and Travys out for their birthdays (Aug. 14th and 26th), but I declined. That's a bummer, but I'll celebrate with mom on her birthday.
I just got back from Whole Foods Market and bought Naked Juice(s) and some salmon for later on in the week. Tomorrow will be juice day and then Monday will be miso soup day. Mmmm!! I don't have a plan for how I'm going to eat after that. I don't want to jump into my usual habits after all this.

I think a lot of the foods I've been eating inflame my body. I'm not sure if it's fat I lost, or if I'm just less inflammed. I think I lost around 8 pounds during the past 10 days.
Overall, I'm glad I did it. Don't know if I feel a big difference, but I know my body appreciates it! For the most part, I felt fine throughout and my energy level was avg. But I didn't exert myself and did take naps...but I do that on a normal basis!
Oh, so Sabra won SYTYCD!! I'm happy for her. She only started dancing 4 years ago...amaaazing! Some people are just talented that way.
At the party, it was torture because Sandra made tostadas, rice and there was chips and salsa. But I stayed the course. And even tonight, my sister's family is in town and they took mom and Travys out for their birthdays (Aug. 14th and 26th), but I declined. That's a bummer, but I'll celebrate with mom on her birthday.
I just got back from Whole Foods Market and bought Naked Juice(s) and some salmon for later on in the week. Tomorrow will be juice day and then Monday will be miso soup day. Mmmm!! I don't have a plan for how I'm going to eat after that. I don't want to jump into my usual habits after all this.
I think a lot of the foods I've been eating inflame my body. I'm not sure if it's fat I lost, or if I'm just less inflammed. I think I lost around 8 pounds during the past 10 days.
Overall, I'm glad I did it. Don't know if I feel a big difference, but I know my body appreciates it! For the most part, I felt fine throughout and my energy level was avg. But I didn't exert myself and did take naps...but I do that on a normal basis!
Oh, so Sabra won SYTYCD!! I'm happy for her. She only started dancing 4 years ago...amaaazing! Some people are just talented that way.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
SYTYCD - final show
I'm watching the final So You Think You Can Dance show. The final four : Lacey, Sabra, Danny and Neil. Lacey just got eliminated. I'm thinking it's gotta be Danny. His pirouettes and jumps are flawless. I was thinking it was going to be either Lacey or Danny. Although, it really could be Sabra or Neil too. They are all such great and versatile dancers. I'd be happy with any of the remaining 3.
Vlogs and Day 8
I've mentioned on my private blog that I've been watching the vlogbrothers on YouTube the past few weeks. Here's an example of why! This is the one in which John licks a cat =)
There is so much going on with these guys, you just have to check it out. So many mysterious references that just won't make sense unless you do. =) And here's a link to their channel
And I've also mentioned that I've enjoyed watching MelissaJenna on YT. Well...the two have collided! She's become a secret sister! Actually, I started watching them when she did a response video to John's Shakespearean insults vid.
I put the link to YT because she includes some links, or you can just watch the video below...or not =). Good to have options, eh?!
Does the fact that I enjoy both of them so much mean that I, too, am a Nerd Fighter?? I've never considered myself a Nerd, but maybe I really am deep inside. The reason I don't consider myself one is because I imagine Nerds to be quite intelligent on specific topics...and passionate about or committed to them.
Can I just say that I love the fact that Blogger saves automatically?!! I don't know exactly what happened, but there was an error and my computer shut down this page as I was working on it AND I lost nothing!! That makes me happy =)
I guess I can just finish this up with my report on day 8 of the master cleanse. I was feeling just a little weak today, but not enough to stop short of the 10 day goal. I'm going to make my last batch today...or at least squeeze the lemons tonight so I can mix everything later. I really am looking forward to eating solid food again.
I'm thinking that I may start writing on this blog more.
There's a pigeon in the backyard that I think might die soon. I thought it would die yesterday, but then it was able to fly somewhere so I thought it was ok. But it's back and it can't move around very well. I don't know what's wrong with it. Could it be a pregnant pigeon? That would be better. I just don't want to have to pick up another dead pigeon - yuck!
There is so much going on with these guys, you just have to check it out. So many mysterious references that just won't make sense unless you do. =) And here's a link to their channel
And I've also mentioned that I've enjoyed watching MelissaJenna on YT. Well...the two have collided! She's become a secret sister! Actually, I started watching them when she did a response video to John's Shakespearean insults vid.
I put the link to YT because she includes some links, or you can just watch the video below...or not =). Good to have options, eh?!
Does the fact that I enjoy both of them so much mean that I, too, am a Nerd Fighter?? I've never considered myself a Nerd, but maybe I really am deep inside. The reason I don't consider myself one is because I imagine Nerds to be quite intelligent on specific topics...and passionate about or committed to them.
Can I just say that I love the fact that Blogger saves automatically?!! I don't know exactly what happened, but there was an error and my computer shut down this page as I was working on it AND I lost nothing!! That makes me happy =)
I guess I can just finish this up with my report on day 8 of the master cleanse. I was feeling just a little weak today, but not enough to stop short of the 10 day goal. I'm going to make my last batch today...or at least squeeze the lemons tonight so I can mix everything later. I really am looking forward to eating solid food again.
I'm thinking that I may start writing on this blog more.
There's a pigeon in the backyard that I think might die soon. I thought it would die yesterday, but then it was able to fly somewhere so I thought it was ok. But it's back and it can't move around very well. I don't know what's wrong with it. Could it be a pregnant pigeon? That would be better. I just don't want to have to pick up another dead pigeon - yuck!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Master Cleanse - Day 7
I made 2 batches today - one first thing this morning, and then again tonight. So I should be set until Fri. I'll just need to make one more batch Fri. afternoon.
Even though I haven't felt much of a difference, other than losing pounds and better skin, my mom said that my feet looked thinner! Didn't notice that! But I must say that my heel hasn't been bothering me.
But tonight I do feel a little light headed. Not sure why. Of course the obvious answer is "You haven't eaten anything solid for 7 days!". But it's also pretty hot here - around 107 today. If I don't feel fine tomorrow, I might have to think about breaking the fast/cleanse early.
Days 1-7 totals:
Lemons squeezed = 35
Money spent = $66
Even though I haven't felt much of a difference, other than losing pounds and better skin, my mom said that my feet looked thinner! Didn't notice that! But I must say that my heel hasn't been bothering me.
But tonight I do feel a little light headed. Not sure why. Of course the obvious answer is "You haven't eaten anything solid for 7 days!". But it's also pretty hot here - around 107 today. If I don't feel fine tomorrow, I might have to think about breaking the fast/cleanse early.
Days 1-7 totals:
Lemons squeezed = 35
Money spent = $66
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Master Cleanse - Day 6
Again, I feel quite normal today. Nothing really outstanding to report on...just 4 more days to go! Tomorrow morning I'll need to get more lemons/maple syrup and make another batch.
That's all for now!!
Days 1-6 totals:
Lemons squeezed = 24
Money spent = $45
That's all for now!!
Days 1-6 totals:
Lemons squeezed = 24
Money spent = $45
Monday, August 13, 2007
Master Cleanse - Day 5
This marks the half way point! =) I went to buy more lemons today ($5). Feeling surprisingly normal. But when I take naps, they seem extremely sound. Like I haven't slept for a day, and then I lay down to sleep...that kind of sudden, heavy sleep. I slept for an hour when I came home.
I'm starting to see a very slight change in my skin. Nicer color and smoother.
I'll see how the next few days go since I don't have work and I'll have more time on my hands. It'll be a good opportunity for reading and prayer and resting.
Days 1-5 totals:
Lemons squeezed = 24
Money spent = $45
I'm starting to see a very slight change in my skin. Nicer color and smoother.
I'll see how the next few days go since I don't have work and I'll have more time on my hands. It'll be a good opportunity for reading and prayer and resting.
Days 1-5 totals:
Lemons squeezed = 24
Money spent = $45
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Master Cleanse - Day 4
No trips to the grocery store today! Yipppeee! But tomorrow I'll have to go after work. Surprisingly, I feel awake and I'm not wilting away even though I haven't had solid food since Wed. My body feels better than yesterday - not as achey. No headaches today. I've lost 5 pounds since Fri.
One thing I noticed was the pressure of going to the grocery store and making a new batch of the cleanse. Because if I didn't, then I'd have to just go without! I've never felt that kind of pressure to prepare something before. Usually, if I don't make food, I just go out and buy something quick.
As of today, my biggest challenge is just going to the grocery store and squeezing those lemons!
But it's kinda freeing to not have to think about what to eat or prepare. I know exactly what to prepare and when I need to make more.
I want to eat or drink coffee to fill in down time or to comfort myself. Or to have a certain taste in my mouth (usually involving garlic!). It's also a social thing. Going to get food with others.
I don't know that I've felt a spiritual difference yet. But I certainly have more time to pray since I'm not thinking about what to eat.
Days 1-4 totals
Lemons squeezed = 18
Money spent = $40
One thing I noticed was the pressure of going to the grocery store and making a new batch of the cleanse. Because if I didn't, then I'd have to just go without! I've never felt that kind of pressure to prepare something before. Usually, if I don't make food, I just go out and buy something quick.
As of today, my biggest challenge is just going to the grocery store and squeezing those lemons!
But it's kinda freeing to not have to think about what to eat or prepare. I know exactly what to prepare and when I need to make more.
I want to eat or drink coffee to fill in down time or to comfort myself. Or to have a certain taste in my mouth (usually involving garlic!). It's also a social thing. Going to get food with others.
I don't know that I've felt a spiritual difference yet. But I certainly have more time to pray since I'm not thinking about what to eat.
Days 1-4 totals
Lemons squeezed = 18
Money spent = $40
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Master Cleanse - Day 3
No noticeable difference today, except that I lost a couple of pounds. I was really tired after work, but I've been tired all week. I did have a muscle pain on my left side after I had lifted something at work. But I got it stretched out a bit and after taking a bath, it feels better.
After taking a nap after work, I went to get more lemons! I think this will be a daily trip until I finish the cleanse. 7 lemons cost about $5. I made another batch that should last me until Mon. afternoon.
I had some peppermint tea this morning. The book said it was ok, but I wondered if there is any caffeine in that kind of tea. Probably not. I'm not much of a tea drinker, but that tea tasted good. I was even ok with smelling other peoples' food. Bacon, spaghetti...but I had to turn the radio off when the program I was listening to started talking about food preparation. I can't remember exactly what kind of food - oh! I think it was lobster rolls...with garlic...and butter...and then I had to switch it off! And I usually like to read this blog about food, but I'm avoiding that blog right now.
Days 1-3 totals
Lemons squeezed = 18
Money spent = $40
After taking a nap after work, I went to get more lemons! I think this will be a daily trip until I finish the cleanse. 7 lemons cost about $5. I made another batch that should last me until Mon. afternoon.
I had some peppermint tea this morning. The book said it was ok, but I wondered if there is any caffeine in that kind of tea. Probably not. I'm not much of a tea drinker, but that tea tasted good. I was even ok with smelling other peoples' food. Bacon, spaghetti...but I had to turn the radio off when the program I was listening to started talking about food preparation. I can't remember exactly what kind of food - oh! I think it was lobster rolls...with garlic...and butter...and then I had to switch it off! And I usually like to read this blog about food, but I'm avoiding that blog right now.
Days 1-3 totals
Lemons squeezed = 18
Money spent = $40
Friday, August 10, 2007
Master Cleanse - Day 2
I just got back from doing a jewelry show. It was fun and it was my first time having to pack everything up and setting up by myself. It went well and I'm looking forward to seeing how much free jewelry the hostess will end up earning (there are still a few more orders we're waiting on).
Today I missed my coffee in the morning =(. But other than that, going food-less was not so hard. I drank my lemonade throughout the day. I went to the grocery store to buy more lemons and maple syrup ($25). I made another batch. I wonder if I should make bigger only lasts for a day and a half. If I double the batch, it should last 3 days. But that would mean squeezing 12 lemons at a time!
I got a slight headache just for a little while, then it went away. All part of the detoxifying process. My co-worker told me that the first few days are the most crucial and that it's when people are the most irritable. Hmmm....I think I was at that stage before I started!
Days 1-2
lemons squeezed = 12
money spent = $35
Today I missed my coffee in the morning =(. But other than that, going food-less was not so hard. I drank my lemonade throughout the day. I went to the grocery store to buy more lemons and maple syrup ($25). I made another batch. I wonder if I should make bigger only lasts for a day and a half. If I double the batch, it should last 3 days. But that would mean squeezing 12 lemons at a time!
I got a slight headache just for a little while, then it went away. All part of the detoxifying process. My co-worker told me that the first few days are the most crucial and that it's when people are the most irritable. Hmmm....I think I was at that stage before I started!
Days 1-2
lemons squeezed = 12
money spent = $35
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Master Cleanse - Day 1
Since I didn't prepare last night, I woke up this morning and started squeezing lemons. It took 6 lemons to make 1 1/2 cups of lemon juice.

I just may have to go outside and test it out =).
Oh, kind of a spicy batch. When I opened the cayenne pepper bottle, there was a clump at the top so I think I ended up putting in more than a teaspoon.
Need to be sure to shake well because it settles quickly
Here's the squirt gun I bought so I could scare the pigeons away when I'm laying in the hammock...
I just may have to go outside and test it out =).
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Master Cleanse preparation
From the book I read for school "Staying Healthy with the Seasons" by Elson M. Haas, here's the Stanley Burrough's Master Cleanser recipe:
2 tablespoons Fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice
1-2 tablespoons 100% maple syrup
1/10 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
8 ounces Spring water
I increased the recipe 10x and this is how it converted:
1 1/2 cup Fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice
1 1/2 cup 100% maple syrup
1 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
10 cups Spring water
Drink at least 6 glasses a day. So I'll need to make a batch about every other day.
I'm also supposed to take 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed (unrefined and naturally pressed) twice a day. It's a good nutrient, liver tonic, and intestinal lubricant.
I bought 7 lemons and cayenne pepper the other day and it cost about $10. I already have some maple syrup, but will need to buy more.
I took a picture of my face and tongue because last time I did this, my face and tongue looked so much better. But I'm not sure if you can tell by the picture. So I'll wait until the end to see if it's worth posting or not.
Before even starting, I feel tired, it's hot (around 103 degrees) here, and I have slight achiness. I typically have a little bit of a runny nose in the mornings. I don't think I'm getting sick though. I haven't been exercising or stretching much. I'm going to try to do more stretching and breathing exercises during the cleanse. I also want to focus on prayer.
An exerpt from the book:
"Lemon is perfect liver food and a great body cleanser. High in vitamin C, potassium, and other minerals, lemons are somewhat astringent, meaning that they contract and tighten tissues, which loosens up and clears the toxins from deep tissues and organs. My hypothesis is that lemons are an especially good aid to arthritis sufferers, cleansing the joint spaces. This very cleansing action can cause joint pains, which is why people with arthritis and their doctors may feel it is inappropriate but this irritation will pass, and the joints will feel improved.
The cayenne pepper helps clear the blood and eliminates toxins and mucus, as well as keeps the body warm. The maple syrup is wonderful energy (calories too), and it, along with honey, is a primary natural sugar...Honey is not acceptable in this drink, as it is congesting in thes doses.
Drink Master Cleanser as needed throughout the day, at least six glasses a day. One or two weeks is not too difficult or too long for this cleanse."
2 tablespoons Fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice
1-2 tablespoons 100% maple syrup
1/10 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
8 ounces Spring water
I increased the recipe 10x and this is how it converted:
1 1/2 cup Fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice
1 1/2 cup 100% maple syrup
1 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
10 cups Spring water
Drink at least 6 glasses a day. So I'll need to make a batch about every other day.
I'm also supposed to take 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed (unrefined and naturally pressed) twice a day. It's a good nutrient, liver tonic, and intestinal lubricant.
I bought 7 lemons and cayenne pepper the other day and it cost about $10. I already have some maple syrup, but will need to buy more.
I took a picture of my face and tongue because last time I did this, my face and tongue looked so much better. But I'm not sure if you can tell by the picture. So I'll wait until the end to see if it's worth posting or not.
Before even starting, I feel tired, it's hot (around 103 degrees) here, and I have slight achiness. I typically have a little bit of a runny nose in the mornings. I don't think I'm getting sick though. I haven't been exercising or stretching much. I'm going to try to do more stretching and breathing exercises during the cleanse. I also want to focus on prayer.
An exerpt from the book:
"Lemon is perfect liver food and a great body cleanser. High in vitamin C, potassium, and other minerals, lemons are somewhat astringent, meaning that they contract and tighten tissues, which loosens up and clears the toxins from deep tissues and organs. My hypothesis is that lemons are an especially good aid to arthritis sufferers, cleansing the joint spaces. This very cleansing action can cause joint pains, which is why people with arthritis and their doctors may feel it is inappropriate but this irritation will pass, and the joints will feel improved.
The cayenne pepper helps clear the blood and eliminates toxins and mucus, as well as keeps the body warm. The maple syrup is wonderful energy (calories too), and it, along with honey, is a primary natural sugar...Honey is not acceptable in this drink, as it is congesting in thes doses.
Drink Master Cleanser as needed throughout the day, at least six glasses a day. One or two weeks is not too difficult or too long for this cleanse."
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Breaking Point, Turning Point
Very bizarre (is it one z and 2 r's, or 2 z's and one r??!) behavior from yours truly this afternoon. In a fit of rage, I trashed my room. Well, maybe it was more a mini-fit of frustration, I toppled things onto the floor from my bed, bookshelf and nightstand =). I let myself do it because that's not something I'd usually do, but felt the urge. I did it pensively, but tried to let some steam off. I'm still too much in my head to do anything that drastic.
The bad thing about messing up your room as a way of release is that eventually you have to clean it up. The good thing is that all the flat surfaces look so clean (except the floor, which looks disasterous). I started journaling on my bed and then I fell asleep. When I woke up, I looked to see what time it was but the clock was knocked on the floor so I didn't know. I started thinking of that attachment we sometimes have to time. I let it go. I don't have to be anywhere or do anything today.
Then I started to think about what triggered this in the first place. A combination of things, I'm sure. But to name a few:
1. Watching that guy on Oprah that lives in a really small house he built in OR or WA. He cut out a lot of complications in his life.
2. Watching Vlogbrother videos on YouTube. Entertaining brothers who seem to be involved in community and think of fun and meaningful projects to be a part of.
3. Sitting out in the backyard in the hammock under the patio cover while it rained. The sound of rain puts me in an introspective mood.
4. Feeling alone in the things I do, the things I aspire to do and feeling limited in my ability to accomplish them.
Lying in the dark after waking up from my unintentional nap, I thought about fasting. And then about doing the Master Cleanse. Fasting in order to focus my attention on what kinds of projects to align myself with. Before I took my nap, I was writing down some of the things I'd like to change or help others with.
1. Healthcare - increase nutritional/fitness knowledge (that is, after I increase my own knowledge!); decrease the drug dependence.
2. Finance - increase wise financial management in families
3. Food pantry - help to feed the hungry
4. I know I'd like to be involved in something more global too.
5. Help others dream dreams and see them come to life.
6. Uncover gifts/talents and find uses for them that will bring glory to God.
But it doesn't all have to be so serious. The brothers that vlog have this project of somehow utilizing misprinted business cards that are floating around. I don't know if it's been decided yet, but great way to take something we normally think of as waste and turning it into something good or fun, or whatever - as if to redeem those mistakes =).
I want my life to become more simple, focused, and fun. I worry about money more than I should, sit unproductively in front of the TV more than I want, and play video games more than is good for me. There are a lot of projects at home, but I just don't have the means to fund them right now. So instead of becoming discouraged, maybe I should look at ways to volunteer my time to help others do what they dream of doing.
I remember a story about 2 groups of people. Both had long spoons tied to their hands, sitting at a round table full of food. One group starved because they couldn't feed themselves with the spoons being longer than their arms, while the others enjoyed the feast by feeding the person across the table from them.
The bad thing about messing up your room as a way of release is that eventually you have to clean it up. The good thing is that all the flat surfaces look so clean (except the floor, which looks disasterous). I started journaling on my bed and then I fell asleep. When I woke up, I looked to see what time it was but the clock was knocked on the floor so I didn't know. I started thinking of that attachment we sometimes have to time. I let it go. I don't have to be anywhere or do anything today.
Then I started to think about what triggered this in the first place. A combination of things, I'm sure. But to name a few:
1. Watching that guy on Oprah that lives in a really small house he built in OR or WA. He cut out a lot of complications in his life.
2. Watching Vlogbrother videos on YouTube. Entertaining brothers who seem to be involved in community and think of fun and meaningful projects to be a part of.
3. Sitting out in the backyard in the hammock under the patio cover while it rained. The sound of rain puts me in an introspective mood.
4. Feeling alone in the things I do, the things I aspire to do and feeling limited in my ability to accomplish them.
Lying in the dark after waking up from my unintentional nap, I thought about fasting. And then about doing the Master Cleanse. Fasting in order to focus my attention on what kinds of projects to align myself with. Before I took my nap, I was writing down some of the things I'd like to change or help others with.
1. Healthcare - increase nutritional/fitness knowledge (that is, after I increase my own knowledge!); decrease the drug dependence.
2. Finance - increase wise financial management in families
3. Food pantry - help to feed the hungry
4. I know I'd like to be involved in something more global too.
5. Help others dream dreams and see them come to life.
6. Uncover gifts/talents and find uses for them that will bring glory to God.
But it doesn't all have to be so serious. The brothers that vlog have this project of somehow utilizing misprinted business cards that are floating around. I don't know if it's been decided yet, but great way to take something we normally think of as waste and turning it into something good or fun, or whatever - as if to redeem those mistakes =).
I want my life to become more simple, focused, and fun. I worry about money more than I should, sit unproductively in front of the TV more than I want, and play video games more than is good for me. There are a lot of projects at home, but I just don't have the means to fund them right now. So instead of becoming discouraged, maybe I should look at ways to volunteer my time to help others do what they dream of doing.
I remember a story about 2 groups of people. Both had long spoons tied to their hands, sitting at a round table full of food. One group starved because they couldn't feed themselves with the spoons being longer than their arms, while the others enjoyed the feast by feeding the person across the table from them.
Library and Insults
Someday, I'd like to have a library...that is, an organized library, in my home. I stumbled upon this YouTube video about a guy's library and Shakespearean insults =). He actually used (something I'd like to use to catalog my books).
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