Saturday, August 11, 2007

Master Cleanse - Day 3

No noticeable difference today, except that I lost a couple of pounds. I was really tired after work, but I've been tired all week. I did have a muscle pain on my left side after I had lifted something at work. But I got it stretched out a bit and after taking a bath, it feels better.

After taking a nap after work, I went to get more lemons! I think this will be a daily trip until I finish the cleanse. 7 lemons cost about $5. I made another batch that should last me until Mon. afternoon.

I had some peppermint tea this morning. The book said it was ok, but I wondered if there is any caffeine in that kind of tea. Probably not. I'm not much of a tea drinker, but that tea tasted good. I was even ok with smelling other peoples' food. Bacon, spaghetti...but I had to turn the radio off when the program I was listening to started talking about food preparation. I can't remember exactly what kind of food - oh! I think it was lobster rolls...with garlic...and butter...and then I had to switch it off! And I usually like to read this blog about food, but I'm avoiding that blog right now.

Days 1-3 totals
Lemons squeezed = 18
Money spent = $40

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