Thursday, July 31, 2008

My camera seems like it's getting old...a lot of my pictures aren't coming out clear. So I stole these pictures from Miriam's MySpace. Tues. night we went out for Marcy's going away party. We went to this place called Dick's in the Excalibar. That day, Ali told me that the staff makes fun of you, or are rude to you. It was good to know ahead of time. I picked up Suki and told her that and I think it was a good thing. We got there first but the bartenders seemed ok - they were a little smart-alec-y, but nothing bad.
GJ and Miriam
Miriam and Jeannie
It took a little while for everyone to get there, but we all were seated and here's our rude waiter
I can't even remember what provoked this, but the waiter went over to Suki and pulled his shirt over her head! Poor Suki, see how everyone is backing away?!!

While I was buying a drink for Marcy, one of the mgrs. put a sticker on my arm (it says Mon), and said that I will expire on Tues. I went along with it thinking it would be the next day, but Jeannie reminded me that it was Tues.! So we kept joking that I'd have to be thrown out at midnight.

Me and Haley

Ali, Jeannie, Suki, Tracy (we worked w/her at the Ranch) and Ali's husband James

They make hats w/crude comments

Suki and Marcy

As we were leaving Dick's (No, we're not drunk!)

At a lounge in Mandalay Bay
Dancing?Jeannie forced those guys behind them to dance w/us! Poor dudes =)
We danced until the band stopped playing
I had fun - it had been a long time since we had gone dancing. I think Suki, Ali and I are the ones who like to dance. Jeannie, Haley and GJ will dance, but not that much. And Marcy only danced because we forced her! Miriam escaped w/o ever hitting the time!
Tonight is another going away party for Alex who was an attendant. But I'm not going because we had already made plans to go out for sushi. I just can't make it to everything.
I think I'm gonna get a new camera. Nothing terribly fancy, just something w/a bigger viewing screen.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm including links to my Facebook photo albums...

It was a great trip. Even though it was very busy and humid, I think everyone enjoyed themselves. It went by fast. I'm so happy that I got to go to the baths (onsen) twice!! =) I should really research what it would take to make a place like that here in Vegas. Sure we have spas, but I don't think we have any Japanese style baths.

Another thing I miss is the type of service you get in Japan. I guess compared to the US, it's so much more polite, professional and pleasant. There's a level of respect that is portrayed. Even if they don't truly feel that way, at least they act like they do. The guys on the bullet train would bow upon entering and leaving each train car. The lady in the elevator pleasantly and almost enthusiastically announced each floor and the depts. on the floor. After an hour of that, you'd think her boredom would become apparent in her voice! But no, she was pleasant the whole time.

And when we were walking up a slight incline towards the hotel in Tokyo, one of the women bell persons ran towards my nephew to take the small suitcase he was pulling behind him. I wish I got a picture of that! He was trying to tell her he could take it, but she insisted!

We did spend a lot of time using public transportation. The rail pass was totally worth it. I'm looking forward to planning another trip in the near future. Well, maybe next year or the year after. We want to take my mom to Okinawa. And I'm sure she'll like to visit Korea as well.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Last week Sunday, we had another day at the Lake LV Ritz. We had the champagne brunch...I put some berries in my glass.

Then we hung out at the pool for a bit (me and Nat)
Me, Jeannie and Katie
Me, Jeannie and Nat at the lagoon

I think I have everything I need to pack for Japan. I just need to contact a few more people, organize my contact info, go to the bank and actually pack everything into my suitcase. I'll have tomorrow morning, night and some of Tues. to get everything packed, so that's plenty of time. I'm excited about having a few weeks off from work. Tomorrow will be my last day to work before I leave on Tues. night. I drive to Colleen's in the evening. I don't want to drive during the hottest time in Vegas or the most crowded time in SoCal. so I figure if I leave around 5 or 6pm, that'll put me in OC around 9pm and that should work.

It's getting late so I should go to sleep...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

After 44 years of living, you meet a lot of people along the way. I'm realizing I have met a lot of special people. People who have helped to shape my life and taught me lessons. There are over a dozen who I believe have made a significant impact upon me (besides my family). People who seem to have had specific purpose for a certain period in my life...who have shared in my "turning points". Maybe in my life for a few months, or several years, more of an acquaintance, or knit in my heart, one with very different or very similar views and beliefs. God uses all kinds of people to teach us and to move us to the places we need to be.

I've been reconnecting with others through Facebook lately. People I met years ago, but never kept in touch with. And just today, I got an email from one of my students in Japan. She was a highschool student when I met her, but now she has a fiance, lives in Tokyo and I hope I can see her when I'm there. It makes me feel like I want to be able to spend more time with everyone. I think in many ways, I give up trying to keep in touch and build relationships because it's so hard! Seems there's not enough time. I really do enjoy having friends =), but I don't live by most of them!

I was thinking about significant people in my life because I believe Suki is one of them. She was in Korea for 2 weeks and so we were emailing back and forth. As I spend time with her and get to know her, I recognize special qualities in her. One of her greatest impacts on me is how open her heart is to me and how being around her seems to be opening my own heart. I can honestly say that she is my first close friend here in Vegas...and I've been here 10 years! I've had friends to hang out with, but no one close. We may have some different views on a spiritual level, but I'm learning so much from her on an emotional level. She's more emotional and open about her feelings than I am (not a hard thing, actually!). I found myself missing her and I usually try to close myself off from those kinds of feelings. But since she always tells me how much she misses me, I guess I didn't try to suppress how I felt.

I want to be a more loving person. To be able to show others that they are valuable and loved. In my past reviews at work, I notice that one thing that seems to stand out to my supervisors is that I treat others with respect. It surprises me that people notice. I'm happy that it shows and it really does stem from the belief that we all have value in God's eyes. But I want to go a step further and treat others with love, compassion and the way Jesus would. I'm hopeful. I've learned to hide my feelings for so long, but I think God will help me to be more transparent and true.

I believe that massage is more than a luxury or relief for sore muscles. The intention of the therapist can be felt by the guest or client. It can open up healing on a deeper level. And since I want to be the best therapist possible, I want to be able to massage with the intention of love and compassion. To be sensitive to the person's needs, and not put my own agenda upon them. I think that's what makes Suki a talented therapist. Although she's only been out of school for a year, she's doing a great job.

I'm off to the gym, then I need to get some things done. I need to focus and get through a lot of stuff. Take care of returns, order oils, clean pond, driveway stains, get ready for trip, gather contact numbers, clean kitchen, forward pictures, etc. Just thinkin' outloud...